These Kids are Out of Here...
"The Sun" Parov Stelar
Sun rising under my feet
These kids are out of here
They are my family
Now I'm gonna tell my momma
That I'm a traveller
I'm gonna follow the sun
Gilli is wearing:
- Boyberry - Breeze (gacha rare items include sexy textured shirt, shorts, sandals, sunnies and beer with custom hold pose!) - Available as part of Spurt Beach's Easter gacha event until the 30th, the afterwards at the Boyberry main store.
- Volt Hair - Denny -Available at the main store.
- Lelutka - Guy bento head - Available at the Lelutka main store.
- Straydog - Mario (for Lelutka Guy head) - Available at the Lelutka main store.
Kiki is wearing:
- Violetility - Spring Sunglasses (includes texture change HUD and regular glasses version as well!) - Available at the Violetility main store.
- Blueberry - Adrianna swimsuit -Available at the Blueberry main store and marketplace.
- Unorthodox -Sierra hair - Available at the Unorthodox main store
- REIGN - Cery Wedges - Available at the REIGN main store and marketplace.
Scene Credits:
- DB Poses - Let's Take A Walk - Available at the marketplace.
- Shot on location at Olympia Park - Homes and Shops available, free Blogger access with visitor group!